Call for Artist in Residency (Hochschule Düsseldorf)

Call for artist in residency at Hochschule Düsseldorf for Moving Digits project, as part of EU’s STARTS Residencies programme:


Deadline for proposals: 28/November/2018
Grant: up to 30.000€
Duration: 3-9 months


More info on STARTS Residencies:
(select “As an Artist” option)

6 thoughts on “Call for Artist in Residency (Hochschule Düsseldorf)”

  1. Hello, I’m considering applying for the Vertigo residency program. I don’t understand some part of your description.
    Are you looking for a project that develops an interactive environment for a dancing audience? Or are you looking for a dance performance in an environment where the main performer get some feedback from the audience?
    Please let me know.

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