Moving Digits Workshop 1, STL, Tallinn

The first Moving Digits workshop took place on the 18th and 19th February 2019, at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL) in Tallinn. 10 dancers and 10 project partner members (from STL, M-ITI, HSD, University of Greenwich and Plux) took part. The 10 dancers came from 7 different countries (Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Romania and UK), and were selected from the 92 applicants to our call.

The workshop aimed to investigate how technology can be used by dancers and choreographers as a tool for expression. Following an initial dialogue on the topic, dancers explored the perception of their own bodies by co-creating and carrying out a set of movements. This led to a sketching exercise, where dancers were asked to represent graphically different sections within the set of movements. We documented the movement exercises in video, and we collected data from the dancers, via EMG (muscle) sensors and heat camera. The sketches, documentation and data will inform future visualisations and technical solutions in the project. The program for the event can be viewed in this link.

The Moving Digits team had meetings before and after the workshop in Tallinn, on the 17th and 20th February, to prepare the workshop and the next steps in the project. The next workshop will take place 17th-20th June, in Funchal, Portugal, at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute. If you’d like to receive updates regarding this and other future events, please subscribe to our mailing list.




To download click on the “Download” button in the link below
(10 PDFs, 5 sketches each, 2.1 MB .zip)


10:00h-11:00h – Presentations and introductions
11:00h-13:00h – Discussion on dance and technology
13:00h-14:30h – Lunch break
14:30h-18:00h – Movement exercise 

10:00h-12:00h – Movement exercise – consolidation and documentation
12:00h-13:30h – Lunch break
13:30h-17:30h – Reflective exercise 
17:30h-18:00h – Wrap-up and discussion of future developments

About the project:

Moving Digits: Augmented Dance for Engaged Audience aims to enhance audience understanding and engagement in contemporary dance performances, and to allow to experience dance in an augmented way (even after the performance). The project also aims to empower dancers, choreographers and technicians with further tools for expression, archival and analysis. The project is a partnership between Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI, Portugal – Lead Partner), Hochschule Düsseldorf (HSD, Germany) and Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL, Estonia). Plux (Portugal), Tanzhaus NRW (Germany) and University of Greenwich (UK) are associated partners. (more information)

Project no. 597398-CREA-1-2018-1-PT-CULT-COOP1, co-funded by Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme, 2018 – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union.